1. A vessel whose capacity to give way in accordance with the requirements of these regulations is limited when it is carrying out work or underwater operations, such as dredging or cable or buoy laying, and whose position may hinder navigation, shall carry, in addition to the marking prescribed elsewhere in these regulations:
By night:
Three bright or ordinary lights, the top and bottom lights red and the middle light white, one above the other not less than 1 m apart and high enough to be visible from all directions;
By day:
A black ball, a black bicone and a black ball, the bicone in the middle, one above the other not less than 1 m apart and high enough to be visible from all directions.
2. When the operation in which they are engaged causes an obstruction, the vessels referred to in paragraph 1 shall carry, in addition to the marking prescribed in paragraph 1:
By night:
(a) Two bright or ordinary red lights, one above the other not less than 1 m apart, on the side or sides on which the obstruction occurs, such as to be visible from all directions;
(b) Two bright or ordinary green lights, one above the other not less than 1 m apart, on the side or sides on which the fairway is clear, such as to be visible from all directions;
By day:
(a) Two black balls, one above the other not less than 1 m apart, on the side or sides on which the obstruction occurs;
(b) Two black bicones, one above the other not less than 1 m apart, on the side or sides on which the fairway is clear.
The lights, balls and bicones referred to in this paragraph shall be placed not less than 2 m from, and in no case higher than, the lower light or ball referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.
3. The provisions of this article shall not apply to floating equipment at work when stationary.