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1. When two vessels are crossing in such manner that there is a risk of collision, the vessel which has the other vessel to starboard shall give way to it and, if circumstances permit, avoid crossing ahead of it. This rule shall not apply to small craft in relation to other vessels.

2. The provision in paragraph 1 shall not apply when any one of articles 6.13, 6.14 or 6.16 is applicable.

3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in paragraph 1 above, when, in the case of small craft of different categories, two small craft are crossing in such a manner that there is a risk of collision, motorized small craft shall give way to all other small craft and small craft neither motorized nor under sail shall give way to small craft under sail.

4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in paragraph 1 above, when, in the case of vessels under sail, two vessels are crossing in such a manner that there is a risk of collision, one of them shall give way to the other as follows:

(a) When each vessel has the wind on a different side, the vessel with the wind on the port side shall give way to the other;

(b) When both vessels have the wind on the same side, the vessel which is to windward shall give way to the vessel to leeward;

(c) If a vessel which has the wind on the port side sees another vessel to windward and cannot determine with certainty whether the other vessel has the wind on the port or on the starboard side, the first shall give way to the other.

This paragraph shall not apply to small craft in relation to other vessels.

5. By derogation from paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 above, the vessel navigating close to the boundary of a marked fairway with the boundary on its starboard side shall continue following the boundary of the fairway; the other vessel shall give way. This paragraph shall not apply to small craft in relation to other vessels.