Tokyo 19.-21. April 2016

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-29-Rev1 - (Secretary) Report of 6th session.docx (Secretary) Report of 6th session - approved by the delegates 11 Jul, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-29-Rev1 - (Secretary) Report of 6th session.pdf (Secretary) Report of 6th session - approved by the delegates 11 Jul, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-29 - (Secretary) Draft report of 6th session.docx (Secretary) Draft report of the 6th session 30 May, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-29 - (Secretary) Draft report of 6th session.pdf (Secretary) Draft report of the 6th session 30 May, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-28 - (Secretary) Consolidated Document after 6th session.docx (Secretary) Consolidated Document after 6th session - to be used for further documents 13 May, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-28 - (Secretary) Consolidated Document after 6th session.pdf (Secretary) Consolidated Document after 6th session - to be used for further documents 13 May, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-02-Rev1 - Agenda 6th session.docx (Secretary) Agenda 6th meeting - adopted by the delegates 11 May, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-02-Rev1 - Agenda 6th session.pdf (Secretary) Agenda 6th meeting - adopted by the delegates 11 May, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-26 - (J) DSSA requirement.pptx (J) DSSA requirement 23 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-26 - (J) DSSA requirement.pdf (J) DSSA requirement 23 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-27 - (EC) Proposal to amend R79 based on ACSF-06-05.docx (EC) Proposal to amend R79 based on ACSF-06-05 20 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-27 - (EC) Proposal to amend R79 based on ACSF-06-05.pdf (EC) Proposal to amend R79 based on ACSF-06-05 20 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-25 - (J) Results of a Study on Reduced Awakeness in Drivers Using ACSF.pptx (J) Results of a Study on Reduced Awakeness in Drivers Using ACSF 18 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-25 - (J) Results of a Study on Reduced Awakeness in Drivers Using ACSF.pdf (J) Results of a Study on Reduced Awakeness in Drivers Using ACSF 18 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-23-Rev1 - (OICA-CLEPA) Proposal Low Speed Systems up to 60 kph Category B2.pptx (OICA-CLEPA) Proposal Low Speed Systems up to 60 kph Category B2 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-23-Rev1 - (OICA-CLEPA) Proposal Low Speed Systems up to 60 kph Category B2.pdf (OICA-CLEPA) Proposal Low Speed Systems up to 60 kph Category B2 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-15 - (D) Discussion paper – Major Issues.pptx (D) Discussion paper – Major Issues 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-15 - (D) Discussion paper – Major Issues.pdf (D) Discussion paper – Major Issues 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-17 - (D) Data Storage System (DSSA) for ACSF CAT B2 and CAT E.pptx (D) Data Storage System (DSSA) for ACSF CAT B2 and CAT E 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-17 - (D) Data Storage System (DSSA) for ACSF CAT B2 and CAT E.pdf (D) Data Storage System (DSSA) for ACSF CAT B2 and CAT E 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-16 - (D) ACSF-06-05 - What’s new with regard to Cat E.pptx (D) ACSF-06-05 - What’s new with regard to Cat E 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-16 - (D) ACSF-06-05 - What’s new with regard to Cat E.pdf (D) ACSF-06-05 - What’s new with regard to Cat E 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-18 - (OICA-CLEPA) Requirements for Sensor view and Environment monitoring.pptx (OICA-CLEPA) Requirements for Sensor view and Environment monitoring 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-18 - (OICA-CLEPA) Requirements for Sensor view and Environment monitoring.pdf (OICA-CLEPA) Requirements for Sensor view and Environment monitoring 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-19 - (OICA-CLEPA) B1–Test Proposal FU0.pptx (OICA-CLEPA) B1–Test Proposal FU0 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-19 - (OICA-CLEPA) B1–Test Proposal FU0.pdf (OICA-CLEPA) B1–Test Proposal FU0 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-20 - (OICA-CLEPA) Boundaries between CSF and ACSF.pptx (OICA-CLEPA) Boundaries between CSF and ACSF 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-20 - (OICA-CLEPA) Boundaries between CSF and ACSF.pdf (OICA-CLEPA) Boundaries between CSF and ACSF 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-21 - (OICA) Overriding of the ACSF.pptx (OICA) Overriding of the ACSF 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-21 - (OICA) Overriding of the ACSF.pdf (OICA) Overriding of the ACSF 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-22 - (OICA-CLEPA) Proposals for ACSF status definition and HMI.pptx (OICA-CLEPA) Proposals for ACSF status definition and HMI 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-22 - (OICA-CLEPA) Proposals for ACSF status definition and HMI.pdf (OICA-CLEPA) Proposals for ACSF status definition and HMI 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-23 - (OICA-CLEPA) Proposal Low Speed Systems up to 60 kph Category B2.pdf (OICA-CLEPA) Proposal Low Speed Systems up to 60 kph Category B2 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-24 - (S) Proposal for an amendment of DSSA based on ACSF-05-16.docx (S) Proposal for an amendment of DSSA based on ACSF-05-16 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-24 - (S) Proposal for an amendment of DSSA based on ACSF-05-16.pdf (S) Proposal for an amendment of DSSA based on ACSF-05-16 14 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-13 (J) Proposal to amend R79 based on ACSF-05-16.docx (J) Proposal to amend R79 based on ACSF-05-16 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-13 (J) Proposal to amend R79 based on ACSF-05-16.pdf (J) Proposal to amend R79 based on ACSF-05-16 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-14 - (J) Requirements per ACSF category in R79.pdf (J) Requirements per ACSF category in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ACSF-06-14 - (J) Requirements per ACSF category in R79.xlsx (J) Requirements per ACSF category in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-01 - Info to the 6th meeting in Tokyo.pptx (Secretary) Info to the 6th meeting in Tokyo 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-04_-_UK R79 ACSF categories reqs.docx (UK) R79 ACSF categories requirements 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-04_-_UK R79 ACSF categories reqs.pdf (UK) R79 ACSF categories requirements 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-03_-_UK Homework.pdf (UK) Homework of UK included in document ACSF-05-16 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-03_-_UK Homework.docx (UK) Homework of UK included in document ACSF-05-16 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-02 - Provisional Agenda 6th session.pdf Draft Agenda for the 6th session of the informal group 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-02 - Provisional Agenda 6th session.docx ACSF-06-02 - Draft Agenda for the 6th session of the informal group 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-05 - (D) Proposal to amend R79.pdf (D) Proposal to amend R79, based on ACSF-05-16 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-05 - (D) Proposal to amend R79.docx (D) Proposal to amend R79, based on ACSF-05-16 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-06 - The specified maximum speed of ACSF system.pdf (ROK) The specified maximum speed of ACSF system 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACSF-06-06 - The specified maximum speed of ACSF system.pptx (ROK) The specified maximum speed of ACSF system 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-07 - (UK) Proposal to amend R79.docx (UK) Proposal to amend R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-07 - (UK) Proposal to amend R79.pdf (UK) Proposal to amend R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-08 - (UK) Proposal for Data Storage System Requirements to include in R79.pdf (UK) Proposal for Data Storage System Requirements to include in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-08 - (UK) Proposal for Data Storage System Requirements to include in R79.docx (UK) Proposal for Data Storage System Requirements to include in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-12 - (F) Amendments in the test precedure for ACSF in R79.docx (F) Amendments in the test precedure for ACSF in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ACSF-06-11 - (F) requirements per ACSF category in R79.xlsx (F) requirements per ACSF category in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-12 - (F) Amendments in the test precedure for ACSF in R79.pdf (F) Amendments in the test precedure for ACSF in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-10 - (B+F) Proposal for amendments in R79 based on Consolidated Document ACSF-05-16.docx (B+F) Proposal for amendments in R79 based on Consolidated Document ACSF-05-16 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
Microsoft Word Document ACSF-06-09 - (S+NL) Proposal to amend Par.5.6.1.x in R79.docx (S+NL) Proposal to amend Par.5.6.1.x in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-11 - (F) requirements per ACSF category in R79.pdf (F) requirements per ACSF category in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-10 - (B+F) Proposal for amendments in R79 based on Consolidated Document ACSF-05-16.pdf (B+F) Proposal for amendments in R79 based on Consolidated Document ACSF-05-16 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-09 - (S+NL) Proposal to amend Par.5.6.1.x in R79.pdf (S+NL) Proposal to amend Par.5.6.1.x in R79 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer
PDF File ACSF-06-01 - Info to the 6th meeting in Tokyo.pdf (Secretary) Info to the 6th meeting in Tokyo 13 Apr, 2016 by Jochen Schäfer


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