ITU Offices, Geneva, 27-28 August 2019 - please register using the link in the agenda

UN Palais de Nations, Geneva, 29 August 2019 - please also register for this session

Informal Documents

  File Modified
PDF File UN Map and Practical Guide.pdf 20 Jun, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-03 (Chair) Interpretation document CS - SDG outcome.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-04 (Chair) Interpretation document SU - SDG outcome.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-13 (OICA) CS Regulation 00 series V1.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-14 (OICA) CS Regulation 01 series V1.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-15 (ITU-T) Focus Group on Vehicular Multimedia - liaison statement.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-16 (ITU-T) Focus Group on Vehicular Multimedia -Att1_FGVM-O-020.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-17 (ITU-T) Focus Group on Vehicular Multimedia -Att2_FGVM-O-022.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-02 (Chair) Minutes of the second coordination meeting rev1.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-10 (OICA) Comments on cybersecurity draft regulation with regard to cyber-threats and risk control.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFCS-15-12 (OICA) Implementation issues for CS on existing vehicle architectures V3.pptx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-07 (RDW) UNECE Test Phase Final Report.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-08 (Tesla) Interpretation document for Regulation on Cyber Security.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-21 (Chair) Tasks and questions from GRVA.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-22 (Chair) Tasks and questions from GRVA suggest answers v1.docx 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word 97 Document TFCS-15-05 (Sec) Proposed amendments to the Draft Cyber Security Regulation (Annex A of GRVA-2019-2).doc 16 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFCS-15-19 (JPN) proposal amendments on SU_Japan_rev2.pptx 23 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-20rev1 (Tesla) Final Draft Recommendation on Software Updates v0.2.docx 23 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFCS-15-11 (SDG) Overview of small drafting group's work.pptx 23 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-09rev1 (Tesla) Interpretation document for Regulation on Cyber Security (7.3 8.1) v1.2.docx 23 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-01rev5 (Chair) Agenda.docx 23 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-06rev1 (Chair) Draft Recommendation on Cyber Security - capturing suggested amendments.docx 23 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-23 (CITA-CLEPA-EGEA-ETRMA-FIGIEFA-FIA) Cybersecurity Amendments GRVA03-02 & 03.docx 23 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-18rev1 (Chair) Draft Recommendation on Software Updates capturing suggested amendments 23 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
PDF File TFCS 15-29 (IDIADA) Applus_IDIADA_Comments&interpretation on TF CS.pdf 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
PDF File TFCS 15-30 (FIGIEFA) TFCS 15-11-TasksQuestions GRVA - Input FIGIEFA+ETRMA 2019 08 26.pdf 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFCS 15-31 (OICA) OICA comments on access to data with regard to UN Regulation on Cybersecurity V2.pptx 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-33 (COM) GRVA-02-38e-2_26_08_EC.docx 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-32 (COM) observations and questions_EC_v2.docx 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-24 (FIA) TFCS 15-11 (UK) Tasks and questions from GRVA suggest answers FIA V2.3.docx 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-25 (DEG) TFCS-15-18 (Chair) Draft Recommendation on Software Updates - capturing suggested amendments Comments German drafting group.docx 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-26 (DEG) TFCS-15-06 (Chair) Draft Recommendation on Cyber Security - capturing suggested amendments Comments German drafting group.docx 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-27 (DEG) TFCS-15-04 (Chair) Interpretation document SU - SDG outcome Comments German drafting group.docx 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-28 (DEG) TFCS-15-03 (Chair) Interpretation document CS - SDG outcome_Comments German drafting group.docx 27 Aug, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-18rev2 (Sec) Draft Recommendation on Software Updates - as amended in meeting.docx 02 Sep, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-15-06rev3 (Sec) Draft Recommendation on Cyber Security - as amended in meeting.docx 02 Sep, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-36 (Chair) ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2019-03e Software update proposal with all amendments.docx TFCS 15-18 fitted to GRVA format. Contains agreed and outstanding amendments 09 Sep, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-34 (Chair) ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2019-02e Cyber Security Proposal with all amendments.docx TFCS 15-06 fitted to GRVA format. Contains agreed and outstanding amendments 09 Sep, 2019 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 15-35 (Chair) ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2019-02e Cyber Security Proposal showing only outstanding amendments.docx TFCS 15-06 fitted to GRVA format showing only outstanding amendments 09 Sep, 2019 by Darren Handley

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