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1. In reduced visibility, all vessels shall navigate by radar.

2. Vessels under way in reduced visibility shall proceed at a safe speed as required by the reduced visibility and the presence and movements of other vessels and local circumstances. They shall use the radiotelephone to give other vessels the necessary information for safety of navigation. Small craft under way in reduced visibility may navigate only if they are also on listening watch on the ship-ship channel or on any other channel prescribed by the competent authorities.

3. When stopping because of reduced visibility, vessels shall, as far as, possible keep clear of the fairway.

4. Vessels proceeding on their course shall, when meeting another vessel, keep to the right as far as is necessary to allow passing port to port. The provisions of article 6.04, paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 and of article 6.05 shall generally not apply in reduced visibility. However, passing starboard to starboard can also be allowed by the competent authorities when navigational conditions of particular waterways so require.

5. Towed convoys shall immediately proceed to the nearest safe berthing or anchoring areas, if a communication with visual sign, between the towed vessel and the motorized vessel, is not possible. For towed convoys proceeding downstream, navigation by radar is prohibited except for reaching the nearest safe berthing or anchoring areas. For such towed convoys provisions of the article 6.33 are applicable.